
Мотылек - рыженький, короткошерстный мальчик с очень тяжелой судьбой. Его мордочка вся в шрамах, уши оборваны. За 6 лет в приюте он ослеп и теперь ничего не видит. Несмотря на это, Мотылек заново научился доверять людям.
Сейчас это абсолютно беспроблемный и комфортный в общении песик. Слепота ему совсем не мешает. Мотылек отлично ориентируется в пространстве по слуху и запаху. Почти не натыкается на препятствия. Очень любит прогулки, отлично ходит на поводке. Идет рядом с ногой, в незнакомой обстановке всегда держится рядом.
Мотылек - очень любопытный мальчик. Ему все интересно, во всем любит принять участие и составить компанию. С ним вы точно не соскучитесь! Хорошо уживается с другими собаками, неконфликтный и спокойный.
Мотылек невысокий, компактный мальчик. Рост в холке не выше колена. Не тяжелый, всего 13 кг, можно поднять на руки. Примерный год рождения 2008. Внешне здоров, привит, кастрирован. Сейчас живет на временной передержке в Красной Пахре.
Из-за своей слепоты и активности Мотылек нуждается в постоянном присмотре. Ищем терпеливого и заботливого хозяина, способного заслужить доверие этого слепого песика!

8-916-562-48-58 Татьяна (Ska19)

Тема на форуме: http://vao-priut.org/forumy/vazhnye-i-srochnye-voprosy/srochnye-voprosy-...

Motylek, red-haired, short-haired boy with a very difficult destiny. His muzzle is covered in scars, ears torn off. For 6 years at the shelter, he was blind and now sees nothing. Despite this, Motylek re-learned how to trust people.
Now he is completely hassle-free and comfortable. Blindness does not bother him. Motylek perfectly oriented in space by hearing and smell. Almost bumps into obstacles. Loves walks, walks well on a leash. Goes next to the foot, in unfamiliar surroundings always keeps close.
Motylek is a very curious boy. He is interested in everything, in everyone and likes to participate and make a company. With him you will not get bored! He gets along well with other dogs, non-confrontational and calm.
Motylek is a short boy. His height is not above the knees
he is not heavy, just 13 kg, you can lift him up with your hands. Estimated birth year 2008. He seems to be healthy. He is vaccinated and neutered.
Because of his blindness he needs constant supervision. Looking for a patient and caring owner, who is able to earn the trust of this blind dog!

8-916-562-48-58 Tatiana (Ska19)

Motylek B 165....................Bitter fates

Motylek is a reddish, short-haired male dog with a very sad story. His face is all covered with scars and his ears are torn down. During the six years, that he spent in the shelter, he lost his sight completely and now the dog is fully blind. Because of this, it got harder for him to trust strangers. Although he enjoys when humans, he's familiar with, take him for walks, and he lets them to pet him. He now walks on a large play-ground with other dogs. Motylek goes along with his fellow dog-buddies very well, being the very calm dog, he never shows any signs of aggression. At the same time he is able to stand for himself and protect himself from others.
The dog is trained to walk on a leash and stay by your side. Being outside, he is able to figure out the surroundings using his hearing and scent abilities, therefore he almost never stumbles or walks into objects,
Motylek is a very compact boy. He is not taller than an average person's knee level. He is not heavy, which makes it easy to lift him.
Other than his blindness he seems to be pretty healthy. The dog is vaccinated and neutered.

Because of his sight problem he needs to be constantly watched out.
We are looking for a patient and caring person, who will be able to earn trust of this blind doggie.
Year of his birth is 2008.
He lives in the shelter from 201

Еще фотографии: 

Какой прелестный Мотылек! Хоть бы повезло малышу! In Love In Love

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