Уважаемые модераторы, добавьте, пожалуйста, в описание текст на английском:
"Baby Coco has many advantages: she is very kind, gentle, sociable girl with a charming appearance and perky curly tail. Coco is a big fan of fun games, always friendly with other dogs and just loves walks! And sweet Coco combines two opposing qualities: vulnerability and strength. Because of her gentle disposition she often fought with her neighbors in the shelter, sometimes they literally crushed her with their assertiveness. But with strength, the girl managed to survive difficult moments, and not become angry at the whole world. She truly has a brave heart!
Coco strikes people in the first minute of meeting her. She likes to come up quietly, and gently pull her wet nose towards the human, and when the hand approaching her face, she literally pauses a moment in indecision, but after a while she starts squinting from pleasure and she's there, waiting for attention from her favorite person. At a closer look, Coco finally kicks the fears and doubts and now she is happily jumping, licking hands and flirting with a man.
Coco will be a great companion for her human. She is similar to a small sun, constantly shining with love and kindness. Don't you want to have a little bit of sunshine at your home?
Coco walks well on a leash.
Born in the summer of 2014.
Please make sure to contact Coco's caretakers in case you are interested:
8-905-531-90-90 Yulia (yulia-smn)
8-985-799-76-03 Anastasiya (Настасья)
8-926-372-78-49 Ekaterina (Katya)"
Уважаемые модераторы, добавьте, пожалуйста, в описание текст на английском:
"Love fun? Then Azart is your dog! Restless and funny boy, he always the center of attention! I think this dog is doing everything with passion, because he has tons of energy and positivity. And yet Azart is a very loving boy. He is always gentle and careful with people and friendly with all dogs. It will be a wonderful pet, playmate for children and a true friend to an adult.
Azart walks on a leash, easily trained and obedient.
Mischievous, sociable, loving and true Azart is waiting to be released from his cell of the cold shelter!
Chip 643090000099584
Please make sure to contact Azart's caretakers in case you are interested:
8-905-531-90-90 Yulia (yulia-smn)
8-985-799-76-03 Anastasiya (Настасья)"
Оксана сделала просто невероятное, Гек без опаски дает себя взять на поводок, ходит на +4!!! Оксана, огромное тебе СПАСИБО!!! Если бы случилось чудо и Гек оказался бы дома, он освоился очень быстро. Раз в неделю прогулки это конечно очень мало...
Уважаемые модераторы, добавьте, пожалуйста, в описание текст на английском:
"Baby Coco has many advantages: she is very kind, gentle, sociable girl with a charming appearance and perky curly tail. Coco is a big fan of fun games, always friendly with other dogs and just loves walks! And sweet Coco combines two opposing qualities: vulnerability and strength. Because of her gentle disposition she often fought with her neighbors in the shelter, sometimes they literally crushed her with their assertiveness. But with strength, the girl managed to survive difficult moments, and not become angry at the whole world. She truly has a brave heart!
Coco strikes people in the first minute of meeting her. She likes to come up quietly, and gently pull her wet nose towards the human, and when the hand approaching her face, she literally pauses a moment in indecision, but after a while she starts squinting from pleasure and she's there, waiting for attention from her favorite person. At a closer look, Coco finally kicks the fears and doubts and now she is happily jumping, licking hands and flirting with a man.
Coco will be a great companion for her human. She is similar to a small sun, constantly shining with love and kindness. Don't you want to have a little bit of sunshine at your home?
Coco walks well on a leash.
Born in the summer of 2014.
Please make sure to contact Coco's caretakers in case you are interested:
8-905-531-90-90 Yulia (yulia-smn)
8-985-799-76-03 Anastasiya (Настасья)
8-926-372-78-49 Ekaterina (Katya)"
Уважаемые модераторы, добавьте, пожалуйста, в описание текст на английском:
"Love fun? Then Azart is your dog! Restless and funny boy, he always the center of attention! I think this dog is doing everything with passion, because he has tons of energy and positivity. And yet Azart is a very loving boy. He is always gentle and careful with people and friendly with all dogs. It will be a wonderful pet, playmate for children and a true friend to an adult.
Azart walks on a leash, easily trained and obedient.
Mischievous, sociable, loving and true Azart is waiting to be released from his cell of the cold shelter!
Chip 643090000099584
Please make sure to contact Azart's caretakers in case you are interested:
8-905-531-90-90 Yulia (yulia-smn)
8-985-799-76-03 Anastasiya (Настасья)"
Брюнет на прогулке
Ой, ну красавица, такую должны быстро забрать.
Всем поклонникам красавца, большой привет от Криса
Несмотря на свою брутальную внешность, Крис очень нежный, трепетный и спокойный.
Внимателен и послушен, совершенно не навязчив
Какой интересный окрас у парня!



Красавица дома!!!Ура!!!:YAHOO:Такой малышке совсем нечего делать в приюте! Поздравляю кураторов!
Поздравляю семью и Холли!!!

Амиго на оформлении.В среду я его заберу.
Шикарный пес !Всем лордам Лорд! Завязали хвостики и держим кулачки !
Ура-ура! Мальчик с такой необыкновенной внешностью дома! Счастья домашней жизни, Рико! Благополучия домашним!
Поклон волонтёрам

Счастливой домашней жизни красавчику!
Спасибо семье! 
Поздравляем Рико с пристройством!
Такой Медведик чудесный ! Поздравляем с пристройством !Счастья Яхонту и его Хозяевам!
Поздравляем от души Холли, куратора и хозяев ! Счастья!

Прям до слез... Очень долго ждал... Выстарадал... Дождался счастья, Бонифаций.

Оксана сделала просто невероятное, Гек без опаски дает себя взять на поводок, ходит на +4!!!
Оксана, огромное тебе СПАСИБО!!!
Если бы случилось чудо и Гек оказался бы дома, он освоился очень быстро. Раз в неделю прогулки это конечно очень мало...
Ларик в приюте с июня 2011 г. По данным приюта 2008 г. р.