Ryabchik (Hazel grouse) is a charismatic and chubby puppy. It has a specific fun color, a pug nose covered with russet spots. Looking at this miracle, the name Ryabchuk came to us almost immediately.
Small puppy came to the shelter in December 2016. It shunned a little when was placed in the cage. But it quickly joint the team of other puppies and actively played with them. It's simply amazing to look at him – just modestly stood aside, and after a minute it jumps cheerfully in the company of the same puppies! "Stand in the corner when everyone plays – no, too boring!" And the tail is already spun up, smile from ear to ear – Ryabchik is already in a crazy running around with the other puppies!
Like all the other kids, Ryabchik quickly learns everything new. It is making great progress in walking on a leash. There is a little stubbornness in the character of that boy. For the first times going for a walk it could rested back legs. But following walks were much more successful. It can run, walk and is quite manageable!
Come and meet Ryabchik! It really needs a home and loving parents!
At the moment (mid-2017) his weight is18 kg, height at withers is about 40 cm.
In adulthood it will be a dog of medium size.
Approximate year of birth September 2016.
Vaccinated, neutered.
The chip number 643110800004835
Card account No. 6837
Evgenija (Женя81) 8-915-096-57-66
Elena (Philka) 8-926-530-16-86
На фотках Вербочка выглядит как собака среднего роста из-за приближения, но на самом деле она очень небольшая собачка, ласковая и послушная. Вербочка хорошо освоила поводок и всегда очень радуется прогулкам. На выгуле любит подбегать гладиться, при этом активно оттесняет других. Ей общение с человеком необходимо больше, чем со своими сородичами, но побегать и поиграть в их компании она тоже любит. Вербочка уже полностью социализирована и готова к пристройству, теперь осталось, чтобы мамыпапы заметили такую чудесную девочку-ховрошечку
Monica is a very sweet and modest puppy girl. Monica is slightly larger than her sisters, so will probably grow a little more than medium size. Now Monica is fun, playful, affectionate puppy. Everything else will be depended on the future owner . Now she is learning to walk on a leash. I hope the girl will soon master this science. We welcome you to meet Monica.
Approximate date of birth is April-may 2017. Probable height upon reaching maturity will be slightly above average.
Ulyana (Ulya) is the most modest girl of the brood. When a person picks her up, she is still very afraid, but on the walk she runs very cheerfully with little brothers and sisters. She will not refuse to be petted. Eagerly runs for the canned food.
Probably Ulya has the potential to be a calm, obedient dog . During the photo shoot she behaved perfectly, did not try to escape, took the given poses.
Accustomed to a leash. Waiting for a patient and kind owner.
Come get acquainted!
Approximate date of birth is April-may 2017. Probable height upon reaching maturity - about 50 cm at the withers (medium).
Apollon is a very handsome dog! He is a statuesque, big good soul. Young, balanced, calm dog. Apollon loves people, is loyal to the dogs.
Due to his age is playful, but obedient.
Approximate date of birth is the end of 2015.
Apollon will be a reliable friend for the whole family!
Vaccinated. Neutered.
8-903-133-10-33 Tatyana71
8-916-393-30-08 Elena (Lena and Lena)
8-926-747-52-17 Natalia76
Active, playful young dog of a very nice color. Very attracted to the man. Can be aggressive to other dogs, probably from jealousy of the man or too enthusiastic playing. But the dog is very focused on people and his bad behavior can be immediately stopped, as he tries to please the person. Because he WANTS HOME !!!
He can be the only dog in the family.
Height at withers is approximately 60 cm.
8-903-133-10-33 Tatyana (Татьяна71)
8-916-393-30-08 Elena Yankovskaya and Elena Anashkina (Lena and Lena)
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Ksyusha is the smallest and most pretty girl of the brood. You will always want to pet it as we do!
She cheerfully plays with sisters, examins the leash, learns playing with toys. Girl is always very glad to people, loves tenderness and attention. We really hope that she will soon find a home!
Approximate date of birth April-may 2017. Probable growth upon reaching maturity - approximately 50 cm (medium).
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красасвица счастливая!!
счастливая красавица!!!
Добавьте, пожалуйста, текст на английском
Ryabchik (Hazel grouse) is a charismatic and chubby puppy. It has a specific fun color, a pug nose covered with russet spots. Looking at this miracle, the name Ryabchuk came to us almost immediately.
Small puppy came to the shelter in December 2016. It shunned a little when was placed in the cage. But it quickly joint the team of other puppies and actively played with them. It's simply amazing to look at him – just modestly stood aside, and after a minute it jumps cheerfully in the company of the same puppies! "Stand in the corner when everyone plays – no, too boring!" And the tail is already spun up, smile from ear to ear – Ryabchik is already in a crazy running around with the other puppies!
Like all the other kids, Ryabchik quickly learns everything new. It is making great progress in walking on a leash. There is a little stubbornness in the character of that boy. For the first times going for a walk it could rested back legs. But following walks were much more successful. It can run, walk and is quite manageable!
Come and meet Ryabchik! It really needs a home and loving parents!
At the moment (mid-2017) his weight is18 kg, height at withers is about 40 cm.
In adulthood it will be a dog of medium size.
Approximate year of birth September 2016.
Vaccinated, neutered.
The chip number 643110800004835
Card account No. 6837
Evgenija (Женя81) 8-915-096-57-66
Elena (Philka) 8-926-530-16-86
Может, давайте я описание на английский переведу?
Может, давайте я описание на английский переведу?
Может, давайте я описание на английский переведу?
Может, давайте я описание на английский переведу?
На фотках Вербочка выглядит как собака среднего роста из-за приближения, но на самом деле она очень небольшая собачка, ласковая и послушная. Вербочка хорошо освоила поводок и всегда очень радуется прогулкам. На выгуле любит подбегать гладиться, при этом активно оттесняет других. Ей общение с человеком необходимо больше, чем со своими сородичами, но побегать и поиграть в их компании она тоже любит. Вербочка уже полностью социализирована и готова к пристройству, теперь осталось, чтобы мамыпапы заметили такую чудесную девочку-ховрошечку

Добавьте, пожалуйста, текст на английском
Monica is a very sweet and modest puppy girl. Monica is slightly larger than her sisters, so will probably grow a little more than medium size. Now Monica is fun, playful, affectionate puppy. Everything else will be depended on the future owner
. Now she is learning to walk on a leash. I hope the girl will soon master this science. We welcome you to meet Monica.
Approximate date of birth is April-may 2017. Probable height upon reaching maturity will be slightly above average.
8-903-133-10-33 Tatyana71
8-926-747-52-17 Natalia76
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Ulyana (Ulya) is the most modest girl of the brood. When a person picks her up, she is still very afraid, but on the walk she runs very cheerfully with little brothers and sisters. She will not refuse to be petted. Eagerly runs for the canned food.
. During the photo shoot she behaved perfectly, did not try to escape, took the given poses.
Probably Ulya has the potential to be a calm, obedient dog
Accustomed to a leash. Waiting for a patient and kind owner.
Come get acquainted!
Approximate date of birth is April-may 2017. Probable height upon reaching maturity - about 50 cm at the withers (medium).
8-903-133-10-33 Tatyana71
8-926-747-52-17 Natalia76
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Apollon is a very handsome dog! He is a statuesque, big good soul. Young, balanced, calm dog. Apollon loves people, is loyal to the dogs.
Due to his age is playful, but obedient.
Approximate date of birth is the end of 2015.
Apollon will be a reliable friend for the whole family!
Vaccinated. Neutered.
8-903-133-10-33 Tatyana71
8-916-393-30-08 Elena (Lena and Lena)
8-926-747-52-17 Natalia76
Добавьте, пожалуйста, текст на английском
Active, playful young dog of a very nice color. Very attracted to the man. Can be aggressive to other dogs, probably from jealousy of the man or too enthusiastic playing. But the dog is very focused on people and his bad behavior can be immediately stopped, as he tries to please the person. Because he WANTS HOME !!!
He can be the only dog in the family.
Height at withers is approximately 60 cm.
8-903-133-10-33 Tatyana (Татьяна71)
8-916-393-30-08 Elena Yankovskaya and Elena Anashkina (Lena and Lena)
Добавьте, пожалуйста, текст на английском для Ксюши!
Ksyusha is the smallest and most pretty girl of the brood. You will always want to pet it as we do!
She cheerfully plays with sisters, examins the leash, learns playing with toys. Girl is always very glad to people, loves tenderness and attention. We really hope that she will soon find a home!
Approximate date of birth April-may 2017. Probable growth upon reaching maturity - approximately 50 cm (medium).
8-903-133-10-33 Tatyana71
8-926-747-52-17 Natalia76
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